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Communion Information

St. Johns Evangelical Lutheran Church
1675 Coates Avenue
Holbrook, NY 11741


Many people who visit a church are unsure about whether to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion or how it is practiced.  This page is intended to help you understand what to expect when you visit St. John’s.

What is Holy Communion?
In Communion, our Lord Jesus Christ offers us His true body and blood under the bread and wine.  Jesus instituted this Himself (Matthew 26:26-29) for Christians to eat and drink.  When we eat the body of Christ and drink His blood we receive forgiveness, life, and salvation as Jesus said “this is my blood of the covenant which is poured out for the forgiveness of sins.”

Who should receive Holy Communion?
The Bible tells us that when people take communion “in an unworthy manner” are guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. (I Corinthians 11:27)    A person is truly worthy and well prepared to receive communion who believes the words of our Lord when He instituted the Lord’s Supper.  That is, a person who believes that in communion he is receiving the true body and blood of Christ for the forgiveness of sins.  St. Paul suggests that “a person examine himself” before partaking of the body and blood of Christ.  For this reason, we expect only people who have been baptized and instructed in the Christian faith, who believe the words of Christ, and who repent of their sins and desire the forgiveness of God to receive communion.
If you have questions about this or desire pastoral counsel concerning communion please talk to the pastor before the service begins.

How is Holy Communion Practiced at St. John’s?
After the Agnus Dei (Behold, the Lamb of God…) is sung, the ushers direct the congregation toward the communion rail.  Those who are able kneel at the rail and all communicants receive the body of Christ either in an open palm or directly in the mouth.  After this the common cup (large cup) is offered to the communicants to drink the blood of Christ.  For those who are uncomfortable with the common cup, we also offer individual cups of the Lord’s blood.  After receiving a dismissal blessing, the communicants return to their seats.

Children, or others, who are baptized but are not instructed may come to the communion rail and receive a blessing.  If you do not desire to receive a blessing or communion, you are invited to remain in your seat and sing the distribution hymns, meditate on the word of God, and pray.